Reading Notes: Russian Tales, Part B

 Important things to remember:

  • The Witch Girl
    • A horseman road into a village and asked if he could stay the night, which he was answered with "If you don't fear death"
    • He then saw many people crying and he asked why, they said that death comes around at night and if it looks on your house you will be in a coffin the next day
    • The horseman stayed awake that night, and right at midnight the window opened and a witch dressed in all white came in
    • She snuck towards him and he surprised her and cut her arm off
    • She fled and he hid her arm in his cloak and went to sleep
    • The next morning the villagers were so excited to see no one had died
    • One of the villagers was saddened, because her daughter had become ill in the night and lost her arm
    • The horseman showed the arm of the witch he had cut off, and the girl was ordered to be drowned
  • The Warlock
    •  A man with 3 sons was about to die, so he told his 3 daughter-in-laws that the first 3 nights after his death one of them would have to look over him and spin wool
    • The first daughter-in-law did this, and the man in the coffin talked to her then strangled her to death
    • This happened again with the second daughter-in-law the next night
    • The third night the daughter-in-law wore a hidden cross
    • When the man went to strangle her she laid the cross upon him and he died, and all that was left in the coffin was a lot of money

Witch in the night, via source

Russian Tales via


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