Week 13 Story: Alice in Wonderslide

     Another boring day stuck sitting by the pond watching her sister read. It's not that Alice didn't enjoy books, but she thought being out in nature was meant for more than books. She sat, and sat, and sat some more. After minutes that felt like days of sitting, she noticed something moving out of the corner of her eye. She thought to be imagining it, as her boredom had been getting worse, but when she looked over she saw a spiffy dressed rabbit checking his watch and hopping passed them. Now THIS is not boring, a creature doing the abnormal. She chased after the rabbit, and barely caught up to it as it scurried down a rabbit hole.

    Alice quickly turned around, seeing her sister unmoved and still reading, and quickly followed the rabbit down the hole. She fell down the hole for a long time, on what seemed like a slide. The walls around her were colorful and patterned, which excited Alice as she expected adventure ahead. She fell for what seemed like an eternity, and she thought she had passed all the way to the center of the earth. She continued to slide, and finally fell asleep and was abruptly awoken by finally exiting the slide and landing in a pile of leaves.

    Alice heard a door close, and looked around to find the origin of the sound. Behind her, she saw two doors, both marked "Adventure". She did not see the rabbit anywhere, and assumed it had gone through one of the doors, but which one? She slowly approached them, and decided to go with the door on the right, since it would be the "right" way. She opened the door and stepped inside. 


She was blown upward by a gust of wind, through a slide that was similar to the first. This ride was faster, only lasting seconds. She plopped her back up on land close to her sister, as she watched the rabbit hole fill with dirt right in front of her. She tried to dig it up, but the slide had disappeared.

"Rats, I chose the wrong door" Alice thought to herself.

She walked back over next to her sister and sat back down. However, this time her boredom disappeared, as her imagination went wild of what could have been behind that other door. I guess none of us will ever know.

Alice looking down the rabbit hole, via Mojo

Story derived from:

Alice in Wonderland, via http://mythfolklore.blogspot.com/2014/05/myth-folklore-unit-alice-in-wonderland.html


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