Reading Notes: Aesop's Fables, Part A
Main Characters:
- Differing because the stories are unrelated
Important things to remember:
- Fables about People - short fables
- The Wolf and the Shepard's Boy
- A Shepard boy yelled to the people a wolf was coming, but when they came the wolf was not there
- Next time the Shepard boy yelled a wolf was coming, no one came and the wolf ate all his sheep
- The Man and the Goose
- A man had a goose who laid eggs of pure gold
- He cut the goose open looking for gold, and found none
- Socrates and his friends
- A man was building a house, and someone asked why it was so small
- He replies that it is small, but probably too big because people will show up there
- A boy who would not learn his book
- A book in school was told to say the first vowel
- He would not, and when asked not he said that he is resolved and knew he would have to say more if he said the first

The Boy who cried wolf, via source
Aesop's Fables, via
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