Reading Notes: The Voyages of Sindbad, Part A
Main Characters:
- Sindbad the Sailor
Secondary Characters:
- King Mihrage
- Roc
- Other sailors/merchants/captains
- Great beasts such as giants, snakes and eagles
Important things to remember:
- First Voyage
- Stories told in first person
- Sindbad sold his riches to join merchants at sea
- The merchants stopped and traded at islands, but weather forced them to stop on a random island
- However, this island was actually the back of a sleeping whale
- Sindbad was flung out to see while holding onto a piece of wood, and finally came upon another island
- He met one of the grooms of the King of the Island and went to a cave and ate
- King Mihrage made Sindbad at home, but soon Sindbad went to find other merchants
- After learning more about the island and sailing, he returned to find his old ship at the port
- The captain did not recognize him but soon after did and gave him all his stuff
- Sindbad gave it as gifts to the King and the King returned the favor with many gifts
- Second Voyage
- Sindbad wanted to sail again, and when his crew found an island, he fell asleep and was left behind
- He saw a giant bird, which he had heard was called a Roc, and when it fell asleep he tied himself to it so it would fly and take him to another place
- He flew attached to the rock and came on a different land that was filled with huge diamonds
- The diamonds were in a valley, and Sindbad saw large pieces of meat kept falling to the valley
- This was so the diamonds would get caught in the meat, and the eagles would go down in the valley for the meat and bring the diamonds back up towards the sailors
- Sindbad took the path of the diamonds, latching to meat so an eagle would take him out of the valley to one of their nests
- The sailors found him in the nest and took Sindbad as a friend when he offered diamonds
- He later returned to Bagdad with the sailors, giving money from the diamonds to the poor
- Third Voyage
- Sindbad was ready for another adventure, but upon this island, the whole crew was taken captive by savages
- They sailed them to another island that had a courtyard full of human bones
- A giant came busting out of the doors, picked up Sindbad, but put him down to eat the fat captain instead
- Just like the story of Odysseus, the giant would leave and come back and eat a crewmate every night for 2 nights
- But after the 3rd was eaten, they spit in his eye when he slept and took off in rafts they had made
- The giant and 2 others followed and hurled rocks destroying all the rafts except for Sindbad (with 2 other crewmates).... and they finally came upon another island
- On this island, a great snake ate both of Sindbad's companions
- Sindbad hid for a while and finally saw a ship sailing by, which sent a boat to rescue him
- It was the same captain as his second journey, who thought he was dead

Sindbad on the Roc, via The Second Voyage
Story: The Voyages of Sindbad, via
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