Reading Notes: Noah and the Ark, Part A
Main characters:
- Noah
- God
Secondary characters:
- Shem, Ham and Japheth
- The wives and other family of Noah
- Methuselah
- The fallen angels
Important things to remember:
- The Ark (Genesis)
- Noah was 500 years old at the time of this
- Man was corrupt in the eyes of God, but Noah found favor with God
- Noah did not just randomly assemble this idea, God established a covenant with him and gave him a guideline on how to create the Ark
- The Flood (Genesis)
- Everyone just remembers how Noah got the animals "two by two", but he was also told to get seven of the clean beasts
- The flood did not occur until Noah was 600 years old, it took a long time to complete building the Ark
- The rain lasted for seven days, flood lasted 40 days, and the waters prevailed for 150 days
- After the Flood (Genesis)
- After about a year on the Ark, Noah sent out doves to see if the water had gone down enough
- Once, off the Ark, Noah sacrificed every clean beast as an offering to God
- Noah's Sons (Genesis)
- God established another covenant with Noah, saying he would never destroy the whole earth with a flood again
- Noah died years later at age 950
- The Tower of Babel (Genesis)
- Generations later, the world became of one language and speech
- They decided to build a city with. a tower that could reach the heavens
- The Lord scattered them, making them speak different languages and be moved across the earth
- The Birth of Noah
- Noah was circumcised, as the Lord had commanded to Adam years before
- The Punishment of the Fallen Angels
- The angels who rebelled against God descended to earth and lost their transcendental qualities
- The Generation of the Deluge
- Noah warned the people while he was creating the Ark, but they did not listen

Noah's ark during the flood, via UN-Textbook
Story: Noah and the Flood, written by Moses in the Biblical book of Genesis
Rewritten and found through:
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