Growth Mindset

This is a way of thinking that I had never really deeply thought about before. Whenever facing adversity in learning something, I often just tell myself that I am not as gifted in the subject as others. I find myself striving for mediocrity in subjects and situations that have not started the way I expected. For example, if I do not as well as I was hoping on my first test in a new class, I set that as the bar for my peak in the class. I work to just keep even with that grade and often set that as the ceiling. I tell myself those succeeding are either gifted in the subject or have a more advanced background with the material than I do. As I am entering the end of my undergrad, and hoping to enter med school in the near future, this talk is something I can lean on. This talk showed me that half of the battle in learning and success if belief you can achieve more than you expect. Setting goals are great, but dreaming, striving and believing big things is how to set yourself up for knowledge expansion and greatness.


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